пятница, 6 марта 2020 г.


RawsonDR , Oct 27, Is there a x64 driver for the FPW? Oct 27, Mike Armstrong , Oct 26, But with most new montors and sp2 it will automatically detect it perfectly fine and you shouldnt notice any difference in performance.
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Whether this made a difference in how my monitor performed, I dont know, but at least, it, along with all the other hardware I had bought, I felt, was at least being recognized by the computer for being the expensive component that it is and not just generic 'Plug and Play' device.

It's my understanding it's best to use your monitors specific driver rather than the generic driver supplied with XP's CD. The only thing that monitor drivers do is tell your video card what resolutions it can run at and what refresh rates. It is possible to modify your drivers so that, while not actually being compiled for 64 bit, they will pretend that they were.

Also, you can't use 32bit drivers on a windows x64; it's just not possible for various technical reasons most of which I only half grasp at best. I don't think they work for x64, atleast the readme doesnt list XP Dell FPW x64 driver?

Dell FPW x64 driver? | [H]ard|Forum

Do you already have an account? See here read posts 1 and 4. The only reason you should get manufacturer drivers are if windows for 2005flw reason doesnt detect the correct resolutions and yet again sometimes this will be because of gpu drivers and not monitor. Oct 26, 1.

Yes, my password is: Tried to install them, directed the installer to the new driver location, but the Wizard says "a better driver than whats installed now cannot be found". From what I understand, you could recompile existing 32bit drivers into 64bit ones, but that requires much more technical knowledge than the average joe tends to have.

I took a quick look around, and I didn't see any drivers. Forums Search Forums Recent Posts.

Mike ArmstrongOct 27, BurpyOct 26, RawsonDROct 27, No, create an account now. J'TokOct 26, Has anyone tried contacting dell about releasing x64 drivers? Cell still, the fact that this will not provide any more than psychological benefit is most likely true.

Oct 26, 3. But with most new montors and sp2 it will automatically detect it perfectly fine and you shouldnt notice any difference in performance.

Mike ArmstrongOct 26, So, maybe they are only for x32 XP and Purely psychological I'm sure, but I like seeing all my components listed as functioning devices in my PC. Oct 26, 2. This may work for your monitor. Log in or Sign up. After installing my monitors specific driver, downloaded from Viewsonics website, it then showed my monitor as being what it was, a Viewsonic VX Did you try them Burpy?

Dell 2005FPW x64 driver?

Is there a x64 driver for the FPW? Yeah, I would also like 64bit drivers for my LCD. This only works in the case that the driver, while compiled for 32bit, doesn't contain any code that isn't also supported in 64 bit.

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