вторник, 3 марта 2020 г.


Every file system minifilter driver must have a DriverEntry routine. Outstanding rundown references can also happen if the minifilter driver has called any routines that add a rundown reference to the minifilter driver's opaque filter pointer, such as FltObjectReference or FltGetFilterFromInstance , but did not subsequently call FltObjectDereference. Our new feedback system is built on GitHub Issues. There is a tool called inf2cat that creates the cat then just use signtool to sign it. Every minifilter driver must call FltRegisterFilter from its DriverEntry routine to add itself to the global list of registered minifilter drivers and to provide the filter manager with a list of callback routines and other information about the driver. Pasted is a copy of my. By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies.
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Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Perform any needed global initialization for the minifilter driver. Every preoperation callback routine is defined as follows: The DriverEntry routine performs global initialization, registers the minifilter driver, and initiates filtering. Calling FltUnregisterFilter causes the following things to happen:. But let's backtrack a little.

Using an INF File to Install a File System Filter Driver - Windows drivers | Microsoft Docs

Minifiltre feedback Sign in to give documentation feedback. In the MiniSpy sample, the minifilter driver is registered as shown in the following code example: I'm trying to get the minispy minifilter from Microsoft to install and function properly. Note that FltCancelFileOpen does not undo any modifications to the file. The community isn't voting to close it here either, and once again that's for the community to decide and not u.

minispy Minifilter Sample

Status field of the callback data structure for the operation. Minifilter drivers are not required to register a FilterUnloadCallback routine. This will stop new connections.

Here's another similar but different question the mods felt appropriate stackoverflow. Post as a guest Name.

You may also leave feedback directly on GitHub. You can use the INF file alone or together with a batch file or a user-mode setup application. You should let the mods make that decision in the future and try to only post in topics you know about By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of serviceprivacy policy and cookie policyand that your continued use of the minifitler is subject to these policies.

I certainly didn't mean to offend you by suggesting that you have your question moved -- I was only trying to help you find a place iinstall it where the community wouldn't end up voting to close.

File System Minifilter Drivers - Windows drivers | Microsoft Docs

However, we strongly recommend that a minifilter driver registers this callback routine, because if a minifilter driver does not register a FilterUnloadCallback routine, the driver cannot be unloaded. The minifilter driver's FilterUnloadCallback routine is not called. This definitely has a lot to do with code and most likely requires a programmer to answer it. But since you already managed to install the driver, this doesn't seem installl be the issue.

If there are outstanding rundown references on the minifilter driver's opaque filter pointer, FltUnregisterFilter enters a wait state until they are removed. To load this minifilter, run fltmc load minispy or net start minispy. SO is geared toward questions about code. Sign up using Facebook. Closing the Communication Server Port If the minifilter driver previously opened a kernel-mode communication server port by calling FltCreateCommunicationPortit must close the port by calling FltCloseCommunicationPort.

For more information about setup applications, see Writing a Device Installation Application. Although any parameter changes that a minifilter driver's preoperation callback routine makes are minifilte received by the minifilter driver's own postoperation callback routine, a preoperation callback routine is able to pass information about changed parameters to the minifilter driver's own postoperation ibstall routine.

We minifioter in file system filter driver development.

So you have your driver running, great. DriverEntry has two input parameters.

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